
Our Lifestyle Articles offer practical tips for the everyday Kenyan, making sustainable living accessible and achievable. From eco-friendly habits to conservation practices, we aim to guide you on incorporating simple yet effective changes into your daily routine to make a difference in your environmental impact.

Our Lifestyle Articles offer practical tips for the everyday Kenyan, making sustainable living accessible and achievable. From eco-friendly habits to conservation practices, we aim to guide you on incorporating simple yet effective changes into your daily routine to make a difference in your environmental impact. 


In a world grappling with the repercussions of excessive plastic consumption, we, Singaporeans, are presented with an opportunity to lead the way in tackling plastic pollution.

This checklist focuses on reducing single-use plastics, a pressing concern in a densely populated urban environment like Singapore. By minimizing plastic waste through reusable alternatives and fostering a culture of conscious consumption, we can help alleviate the burden on landfills and marine ecosystems, preserving Singapore’s natural beauty for generations to come.

A checklist to help you become more environmentally conscious and build good habits regarding single-use plastics:

  • Carry a reusable water bottle and coffee cup to reduce reliance on plastic bottles and cups.

Use a reusable water bottle instead of purchasing single-use plastic bottles.

Using a reusable water bottle and coffee cup reduces the need for single-use plastic containers, decreasing plastic waste in Singapore’s landfills and waterways.

  • Use reusable shopping bags or bring your own tote bag when shopping to avoid plastic bags.

Bring your own reusable shopping bag instead of taking a new plastic bag.

Reusable shopping bags reduce the demand for disposable plastic bags, which are a major source of litter and pollution and require resources to produce.

  • Decline plastic straws and utensils when dining out and choose venues that support this initiative.

Use metal or glass reusable straws instead of plastic straws. Or ditch straws altogether!

Plastic straws and utensils are often not recyclable and can harm wildlife when they enter ecosystems. It also reduces the carbon footprint associated with plastic production. Bring your own reusable straws if you prefer to enjoy your beverage with a straw.

  • Choose products with minimal plastic packaging or opt for items sold in bulk or with eco-friendly packaging.

Bulk food stores often provide ec0-friendly paper or glass packaging. You can also bring your own containers from home.

Choosing products with minimal plastic packaging lowers the demand for plastic production and reduces waste generation.

  • Encourage friends and family in Singapore to participate in plastic reduction efforts, such as BYO (Bring Your Own) campaigns.

Bring your own container when you purchase cut fruits from the fruit and juice stall.

Encouraging friends and family to participate in plastic reduction efforts spreads awareness and promotes a culture of sustainability in Singapore.

Image courtesy of BYO Singapore

Which eco-friendly habits are you adding to your everyday life, and which are you already doing? 

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