News & Events for March 2025

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1. School Garden Coalition

School Garden Coalition Seeks Support for SB 341Letter of Support Sign on deadline: March 7, 2025

Description: About SB 341
The California School Garden Coalition seeks support for SB 341 which would update and expand California’s Instructional School Garden Program (ISGP) to include instruction and maintenance so all California students can have ongoing access to garden-based learning.

Why SB 341 Matters

Despite broad support for garden-based education and proven academic, health, and environmental benefits, the vast majority of school gardens remain unused due to a lack of dedicated funding for instructional programs and maintenance.

SB 341 does not provide direct funding but creates a phased plan to bring instructional school gardens to more schools statewide.

Visit the CA School Garden Coalition website to learn more about the details of the legislation and information about providing support.

2. CBP Program Leaders Webinar Series

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Date: 12:30-1:30 pm, March 21, 2025
Webinar: Online Community Gathering
Description: Join the California Environmental Literacy Initiative Community- Based Partner Innovation Hub and the Association for Environmental and Outdoor Education in an online webinar for Program Leaders of organizations that work to advance environmental literacy. Learn valuable tips and strategies that will help your organization grow and thrive.

CAELI and AEOE Online Community Gathering

The CAELI Community-Based Partner Innovation Hub and AEOE invite you to participate in a free webinar series for environmental education program leaders.
Meet with other program leaders to discuss the shifting landscape, address current challenges, and crowdsource ideas for how to best support our staff and communities.

Register HERE.

3. Understanding Global Change for Grades 9-12

Date: 4:00-5:30 PM, March 19, 2025
Webinar: CASE Understanding Global Change
Description: Understanding the Earth as a system can help learners of all ages explain how and why our climate and ecosystems are changing and the many ways we can take action in response to these changes. Join us for an interactive virtual workshop about a local phenomenon where participants will be immersed in a data-driven sequence of learning that includes modeling practices using the Understanding Global Change (UGC) Earth System Modeling Tools. Participants will also learn how the UGC Framework can support the planning of interdisciplinary instruction to interweave global change topics across curricula.
CASE invites K-12 educators to participate in this workshop series on Understanding Global Change.
Jessica Bean, PhD, is a scientist and educator at the Museum of Paleontology at UC Berkeley. She is the leader of the Understanding Global Change Project and the Director of Outreach and Science for the FieldScope community science platform. She designs tools for learning about the Earth as a dynamic, interconnected system that help learners understand and engage in the process of science. Jessica studies how marine invertebrates respond to and provide records of environmental change along the California coast, has taught college and graduate level biology and Earth science courses, and partners with K-12 educators across the country to develop and implement new resources for learning about the nature of science.
This workshop is offered for high school educators. Free for CASE Members, $15 for non-members
Register HERE.

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