In response to teacher popular demand, we have developed a new lesson series on waste management and the 3 Rs (reduce, reuse, and recycle). The lesson series is titled My Journey to Zero Waste and it teaches environmental literacy for Kindergarten and Grade 1 through 5 lessons in which students explore their environmental impact through two birthday parties and the subsequent waste that is created or not created in each.
Throughout the 5 lessons, students will learn how waste is generated, what happens to the waste we create, the benefits of the 3Rs, how to calculate waste, and gain an understanding of their own individual impact on sustainability and the environment. Students will be exposed to new concepts and vocabulary through an array of games and activities culminating in an analysis of their own waste generation and a zero-waste action plan.
My Journey to Zero Waste covers important California learning standards in science, English language arts, and math. The lesson series includes a family guide with after-school extensions for classrooms and students who want to take an even deeper dive into their zero waste journeys.
Click here to access the My Journey to Zero Waste K-1 lesson series!
Relevant Links
Learn about the role our local wetlands and waterways play in waste management and how we can become better guardians of our environment.
Elkus Ranch Educational Tours – Elkus Ranch
Learn about sustainability and waste management on the ranch through one of Elkus Ranch’s guided tours.
Schoolyard Cleanup Program – California Coastal Commission
Organize and or participate in a Coastal Cleanup Day on a field trip to a beach or local waterway, become environmental stewards of your schoolyard, gain experience in real-world data collection and problem solving.
Virtual Learning – Recology Waste Zero
Recology currently offers a suite of online resources for students and families that is free and accessible online. Resources include virtual tours, videos, and worksheets, as well as opportunities to arrange live virtual field trips with a Recology educator.
Watsonville Green Schools Waste Reduction Assistance
Watsonville Green Schools: Waste Reduction Assistance Training and support for the food scrap collection system for your cafeteria. Advice to improve your school waste reduction: food recovery, food scarp collection, blue cart recyclables, and more. Classroom and cafeteria educational presentations offered.
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