“The field of environmental education is not challenged with a dearth of ideas; it’s challenged by a capacity to deliver.”
Judy Braus
This week we spoke with Judy Braus, Executive Director of North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) who has experience strengthening community-based partner networks and building support to advance environmental education and conservation. Judy has been a stalwart in the environmental education field having previously worked as Senior Vice President of Education and Centers at the National Audubon Society and led education programs at World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the U.S. Peace Corps, and the National Wildlife Federation (NWF).
Judy provides a glimpse into the environmental education ecosystem and the importance that community-based partner networks play by examining the work of NAAEE. Community-based partners and their networks provide a deeper understanding of local needs and can act as a catalyst for change within the communities they serve. Working with community-based partners allows educators to move beyond a focus on the individual needs of a classroom setting, to a broader look into the community and future goals of environmental education. The benefits of working with community-based partners are endless, as they provide expertise and resources that are helpful to the advancement of environmental literacy.

Green Guardians asked Judy about the state of environmental education in the US today and her response was one of both alarm and optimism. At the core of the issues, Judy states that environmental education is not as supported as it should be, and is severely under-funded. She points to the lack of a comprehensive national plan and the decentralized nature of the US as being one of the key hindrances to progress in the field.
Read more about the state of environmental literacy and the important role NAAEE plays here.
Relevant Links
Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE)
The ACE Framework is a set of recommendations and tools to accelerate climate action and advance people-centered climate policies through increasing public awareness, building local capability, enhancing information sharing, encouraging innovation and beneficial behavioral norms, and promoting ongoing engagement. The objective of this framework is to guide the completion of a national strategic plan in time for delivery at the 26th UNFCCC Conference of the Parties in November 2021.
Disneynature has educational materials for curriculum, lesson plans and fun activities that continue the viewing experience for families and students grades 2-6 while inspiring a desire to protect the planet through connections to nature.
An initiative led by NAAEE through a cooperative agreement with U.S. EPA and seven partner organizations to support a nationwide effort to strengthen the field of environmental education and support professional development.
Environmental Education in the Schools: Creating a Program that Works!
The 1993 publication by Judy Braus and David Wood from the U.S. Peace Corps on developing and implementing an environmental education program by helping practitioners identify goals and objectives for environmental education activities and curriculum and to develop formal and informal techniques to evaluate success.
Global Environmental Education Partnership (GEEP)
GEEP’s mission is to create a vibrant and inclusive learning network designed to strengthen environmental education globally to create a more sustainable future for all. Its goal is a world where environmental and social responsibility drive individual, community, and institutional choices.
Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
This site includes a list of resources, including resources developed by NAAEE, designed to help educators and learners of all ages center equity in their work in the field of environmental education.
National Network for Ocean and Climate Change Interpretation (NNOCCI)
NNOCCI is a network of individuals and organizations in informal education, the social sciences, and climate sciences. We are currently working in 184 institutions in 38 states.
The Natural Start Alliance is a network of people and organizations that believe that all young children need frequent opportunities to experience, learn from, and care for nature and the environment through high-quality education. The Alliance, a project of the North American Association for Environmental Education, serves as a backbone organization to focus and amplify the collective impact of the people and organizations that share this common vision.
Professional Development of Environmental Educators: Guidelines for Excellence
The National Project for Excellence in Environmental Education, initiated by NAAEE in 1994, has developed a series of guidelines that set the standards for high-quality environmental education.
Project Learning Tree is an award-winning environmental education program designed for teachers and other educators, parents, and community leaders working with youth from preschool through grade 12.
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