Air Pollution and Environmental justice

Hi, welcome to The Poppy Podcast. I’m your host, Poppy. In this episode, I talk to Michael Newman, an environmental scientist who studies the impact of air pollution on people of different races, ethnicities and income levels.

Air Pollution and Environmental justice



Hi, welcome to The Poppy Podcast. I’m your host, Poppy. In this episode, I talk to Michael Newman, an environmental scientist who studies the impact of air pollution on people of different races, ethnicities and income levels. We will explore how air pollution disproportionally affects low-income families and people of color. 

(dial tone)


Hi, Michael. Thank you for speaking with me on this very important matter. We all know that air pollution can cause severe health issues like asthma, heart disease and lung cancer. Does air pollution affect some people more than others? Who exactly are these people?  What does your research tell you?


Hi, Poppy. Thanks for having me. Well… air pollution, intensified by climate change, does affect people differently. Many studies show that children, the elderly and people from low-income families are the most affected. Those living close to sources of pollution like fossil fuel power plants are also more vulnerable to air pollution related health problems. And when we look at people’s exposure to air pollution based on who they are — like their race, ethnicity and income level — we find that people of color have a much higher exposure rate than white people.  


Why do you think people of color face disproportionate exposure to air pollution?


Well, this is a result of systemic racism in this country. Racism, discriminatory housing practices and real estate costs have pushed people of color into areas that are more polluted. Fossil fuel power plants that contribute to fine particle air pollution tend to be located near disadvantaged communities because of low land costs and regulatory loopholes. 


This is so unfair! These communities are the least prepared to cope with long-term health problems like asthma and cancer! How can they afford the extra medical bills? 


You hit the nail on the head. Low-income communities are even more susceptible because they don’t have access to proper medical care, healthy grocery options, and safe working conditions. Many people have to work outdoors in heat or on smog days, which increases their exposure to ozone and particulate matter pollution. 


And I guess it is not easy to take sick days, either. You painted a very grim picture. Is there any hope at all for disadvantaged communities? What can we do to address these problems? 


The short answer is yes. There certainly is hope; 28% of the coal-fired power plants operating right now are scheduled to be retired by 2035. But this isn’t enough. More power plants that run on fossil fuels need to be closed. The conversion to clean energy needs to be accelerated, too. To protect public health, higher standards need to be set for pollutants like nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxides.  


A lot needs to be done. I think we should all take an active role in shaping air pollution-related regulations that affect the well-being of our communities.  




That’s all we have time for today. Thank you for listening to The Poppy Podcast. I’ll see you next time.  

My Carbon Neutral School

Students explore how schools can become carbon neutral. They learn about non-renewable and renewable energy and go on a school energy audit with Dean and his friends.

Unit Overview

Through readings, activities and discussions, students explore how schools can become carbon neutral. They learn about non-renewable and renewable energy and go on a school energy audit with Dean and his friends. They also perform calculations based on the data and recommend practical and creative ways for their school to neutralize its carbon emission.


  • Grade 3
  • Grade 4
  • Grade 5

Lesson Type

In-class or online lesson

Environmental Topics

Green Guardianship, Resource Conservation, Sustainable Human Development

Environmental Literacy Core Principles

For a summary of the environmental literacy principles and concepts embedded in this lesson series, please visit Green Guardians Environmental Literacy Core Principles.


ELA: RL.3.1 RL.3.3 RL.3.4 .W.3.1 W.3.2 W.3.4 W.3.5 W.3.6 W.3.7 W.3.8 SL.3.1 SL.3.3 SL.3.4 .SL.3.6 RL.4.1 RL.4.4 RL.4.7 W.4.1 W.4.2 W.4.4 W.4.5 W.4.6 W.4.7 W.4.8 SL.4.1 SL.4.3 SL.4.4 SL.4.5 RL.5.1 RL.5.4 RL.5.7 W.5.1 W.5.2 W.5.4 W.5.5 W.5.6 W.5.7 W.5.8 W.5.9 SL.5.1 SL.5.2 SL.5.3 SL.5.4 SL.5.5 SL.5.6
History Social-Science: HSS-3.4.2 HSS-3.5 HSS-3.5.3 HSS-3.5.4
Math: 3.MD.B.3 3.NBT.A.2 4.OA.A.2 4.OA.A.3 4.NBT.A.1 4.NBT.A.2 4.NBT.B.5 4.MD.A.2 5.NBT.B.5 5.MD.A.1
Science: 4-ESS3-1 5-PS1-3 5-ESS3-1 3-5-ETS1-1 3-5-ETS1-2 3-5-ETS1-3


Teacher Guide

This project may easily be extended into optional family discussions and activities around energy consumption and what it means to go carbon neutral. To facilitate this engagement, a family guide (in English and Spanish) has been created which teachers may choose to forward to interested parents and guardians.

Family Guide (English)


Four lessons of 40-60 minutes each.

Lesson 1: Blackout!

Through a story and related activities, students follow Dean and his friends as they learn about non-renewable and renewable energy. When a blackout interrupts their science class, they begin researching the challenges facing aging power grids designed to run on fossil fuels. The class decides to reduce their school’s energy consumption and in turn, their carbon emission.

Lesson 2: An Energy Audit

The story continues as our characters conduct an energy audit. They collect and analyze their school’s daily energy consumption and compare the data before and after energy-saving practices are introduced. At the end of the experiment, they find that by changing how they use energy, the school cut 568 kg of carbon emissions in 10 days. 

Lesson Materials

Lesson 3: Carbon Neutral Schools  

In the third lesson, Teddy and Poppy give presentations on their ideas for a carbon neutral school. Teddy presents on planting trees on campus as a way to offset the school’s carbon footprint. Poppy presents on ways to conserve energy and recommends switching to energy efficient appliances. After each presentation, students work math problems to calculate the carbon savings of their recommended methods. They discuss the pluses and minuses of each proposed solution.

Lesson Materials

Lesson 4: Dean’s Clean Energy Solution

In the fourth lesson, Dean presents his idea. He suggests that the school should switch to onsite renewable energy with a combination of solar panels on the roof and spinning wind turbines on the outer walls. Until the school can make this transition, Dean proposes that the school should make green power purchases from companies that specialize in producing and supplying clean energy. The lesson culminates in a carbon neutral school design challenge that invites students to identify energy consumption issues in their schools and propose a plan to address them.

Lesson Materials

Exploring Ecosystems

Students study ecosystems and keystone species by focusing on one of the most famous denizens of the Mojave Desert, the giant yucca or Joshua tree.

Unit Overview

Through readings, activities and discussions, students study ecosystems and keystone species by focusing on one of the most famous denizens of the Mojave Desert, the giant yucca or Joshua tree. Teddy and his friends take a field trip to Joshua Tree National Park where their guide, Katherine, explains the threats facing Joshua trees– climate change, wildfires and human encroachment. Students also learn about their cultural significance, why it is important to care about preserving them and steps they can take to safeguard biodiversity.   


  • Grade 3
  • Grade 4
  • Grade 5

Lesson Type

In-class or online lesson

Environmental Topics

Biodiversity, Climate Change, Disasters and Conflicts, Ecosystems, Environmental Justice, Resource Conservation, Sustainable Human Development

Environmental Literacy Core Principles

For a summary of the environmental literacy principles and concepts embedded in this lesson series, please visit Green Guardians Environmental Literacy Core Principles.


ELA: RL.3.1 RL.3.2 RL.3.4 RL.3.7 W.3.1 W.3.4 W.3.5 W.3.7 SL.3.1 SL.3.2 SL.3.3 SL.3.6 RL.4.1 RL.4.2 RL.4.4 RL.4.7 W.4.1 W.4.2 W.4.4 W.4.5 W.4.7 SL.4.1 SL.4.2 SL.4.3 SL.4.5 RL.5.1 RL.5.2 RL.5.4 RL.5.6 RL.5.7 W.5.1 W.5.2 W.5.4 W.5.5 W.5.7 SL.5.1 SL.5.2 SL.5.3 SL.5.4 SL.5.5
History Social-Science: HSS-3.1.1, HSS-3.2.2, HSS-3.4.2, HSS-3.5.1, HSS-4.1.3
Science: 3-LS2-1, 3-LS4-3, 3-LS4-4, 3-ESS3-1, 5-LS2-1, 5-ESS3-1


Teacher Guide

This project may easily be extended into optional family discussions and activities around ecosystems, keystone species, endangered species, invasive species and natural vs human-made climate change. To facilitate this engagement, a family guide (in English and Spanish) has been created which teachers may choose to forward to interested parents and guardians.

Family Guide (English)


Three lessons of 30-40 minutes each and a project.

Lesson 1: What is a Joshua Tree?

Through a story and related activities, students follow Teddy and his friends as they explore ecosystems. Sparked by a news report about illegal destruction of 36 Joshua trees, they get busy searching for more information about the Joshua tree ecosystem in the Mojave Desert.

Lesson 2: A Keystone Species

The story continues as students tour the Joshua Tree National Park with Teddy and his friends. Katherine, the park guide, explains that far from being a wasteland, the desert is full of life. The children learn that Joshua trees are a keystone species but that they also depend on a number of environmental factors for survival. Katherine also shares the diverse ecosystem services provided by Joshua trees.

Lesson Materials

Lesson 3: Preserving Ecosystems  

In the third lesson, students explore threats to the Joshua tree ecosystem: natural disasters, invasive species, reproduction issues, climate change and global warming. They discuss the fire at Cima Dome that destroyed 25% of the Joshua trees in the Mojave Preserve as a case in point. While the situation appears bleak, Katherine ends the tour on a high note with a video that details restoration efforts in the Cima Dome area.

Lesson Materials

Project: My Ecosystem Stewardship Project

Students are invited to become ecosystem stewards. They will research a fragile ecosystem in their local area, make an ecosystem stewardship pledge, and take action to help conserve and restore the ecosystem.

Lesson Materials

My Journey to Circular Fashion

Students follow Coco, Dean and Poppy as they shop for new clothes. Poppy offers her friends a sustainable alternative to their “fast fashion” choices. They also learn how marketing, worker exploitation, overproduction and overconsumption lead to massive amounts of clothing waste.

Unit Overview

Through readings, activities and discussions, students follow Coco, Dean and Poppy as they shop for new clothes. Poppy offers her friends a sustainable alternative to their “fast fashion” choices. She introduces them to Rosie, who runs a second-hand clothing store. Rosie explains how marketing, worker exploitation, overproduction and overconsumption lead to massive amounts of clothing waste. Students explore solutions offered by “circular fashion”—the opposite of “throw-away” fashion.   


  • Grade 3
  • Grade 4
  • Grade 5

Lesson Type

In-class or online lesson

Environmental Topics

Ecosystems, Green Guardianship, Environmental Justice, Pollution, Resource Conservation, Sustainable Human Development, Waste Management

Environmental Literacy Core Principles

For a summary of the environmental literacy principles and concepts embedded in this lesson series, please visit Green Guardians Environmental Literacy Core Principles.


ELA: RL.3.1, RL.3.2, RL.3.3, RL.3.4, W.3.7, W.3.8, SL.3.1, SL.3.2, SL.3.3, SL.3.4, SL.3.6, RL.4.1, RL.4.4, RL.4.7, W.4.7, W.4.8, W.4.9, SL.4.1, SL.4.2, SL.4.3, SL.4.4, RL.5.1, RL.5.3, RL.5.4, W.5.7, W.5.8, W.5.9, SL.5.1, SL.5.2, SL.5.3, SL.5.4
History-Social Science: HSS-3.5.3
Science: 3-5-ETS1-, 3-5-ETS1-2


Teacher Guide

This project may easily be extended into optional family discussions and activities around clothing, sustainable and unsustainable fashion trends, reuse of clothing and upcycling and recycling fabric waste. To facilitate this engagement, a family guide (in English and Spanish) has been created which teachers may choose to forward to interested parents and guardians.

Family Guide (English)


Three lessons of 30-40 minutes each.

Lesson 1: A Shopping Trip

Through a story and related activities, students are introduced to the advantages of wearing reused clothing. Coco, Dean and Poppy are shopping for new clothes to wear on the first day of school. At the mall, Coco and Dean are captivated by cheap “fast fashions”. But Poppy will have none of it. She invites her friends to Rosie’s Second-hand Shop where she volunteers. Coco and Dean begin to reconsider their shopping habits.

Lesson 2: What a Waste!

Through a story and related activities, students learn about the environmental impact of clothing. Rosie explains that the fashion industry makes a huge carbon footprint. It feeds consumers’ demand for cheap, stylish clothes by producing items quickly and in large quantities. Students consider how textile waste is managed and where it ends up. Donating used clothing to thrift stores like Rosie’s is only a partial solution.

Lesson Materials

Lesson 3: 6Rs for Reducing Clothing Waste  

In the third lesson, Poppy and friends research more on clothing waste and discuss the social impact of the “throwaway” culture.  They are determined to make fashion circular by applying the 6Rs: refuse, re-wear, reuse, repair, repurpose and recycle. They also learn about the pros and cons of organic cotton and alternative fibers like bamboo. The lesson invites students to start their own circular fashion initiative by identifying a clothing-waste related problem at home or in their community, researching existing practices and proposing a solution.

Lesson Materials

Bananas About Chocolate

Students follow the story of Bruno and his friends during their visit to a chocolate festival. As they learn more about chocolate, they begin to question the production practices that keep chocolate at low prices.

Unit Overview

Through readings, activities and discussions, students follow the story of Bruno and his friends during their visit to a chocolate festival. As they learn more about chocolate, they begin to question the production practices that keep chocolate at low prices. After meeting a fair trade chocolate entrepreneur, they decide to start their own sustainable chocolate company. But before that can happen, they have a lot of research to do.


  • Grade 3
  • Grade 4
  • Grade 5

Lesson Type

In-class or online lesson

Environmental Topics

Climate Change, Environmental Justice, Ecosystems, Resource Conservation, Sustainable Human Development

Environmental Literacy Core Principles

For a summary of the environmental literacy principles and concepts embedded in this lesson series, please visit Green Guardians Environmental Literacy Core Principles.


ELA: RF.3.4, RI.3.1, RI.3.2, RI.3.3, RI.3.4, RI.3.5, RI.3.6, RI.3.7, RI.3.9, W.3.2, W.3.4, W.3.5, W.3.6, W.3.7, W.3.8, SL.3.1., SL.3.2, SL.3.3, SL.3.5, SL.3.6, RF.4.4, RI.4.1, RI.4.2, RI.4.3, RI.4.4, RI.4.5, RI.4.7, RI.4.9, W.4.2, W.4.4, W.4.5, W.4.6, W.4.7, W.4.8, SL.4.1., SL.4.3, SL.4.4, SL.4.5, RF.5.4, RI.5.1, RI.5.2, RI.5.4, RI.5.5, RI.5.6, RI.5.7, RI.5.8, RI.5.9, W.5.2, W.5.4, W.5.5, W.5.6, W.5.7, W.5.8, SL.5.1, SL.5.3, SL.5.4, SL.5.5, SL.5.6
HSS: HSS-3.5.1, HSS-3.5.2, HSS-3.5.3
Science: 3-5-ETS1-2, 5-ESS3-1


Teacher Guide

This project may easily be extended into optional family discussions and activities around chocolate, supply chains and fair trade. To facilitate this engagement, a family guide (in English and Spanish) has been created which teachers may choose to forward to interested parents and guardians.

Family Guide (English)


Two lessons of 30-40 minutes each and a 3-day project. 

Lesson 1: All About Chocolate

Through a story and related activities, students explore a chocolate festival with Bruno and his friends and learn about the history of chocolate and the chocolate industry today. As Bruno and his friends learn more, they begin to question the practices in chocolate production. They then meet Fabio Huerta, a sustainable chocolatier, who introduces them to the concept of “bean to bar”, a sustainable practice to making chocolate.

Lesson 2: The Chocolate Supply Chain

Through a brochure and related activities, students are introduced to the concept of supply chains that link the developed and developing worlds. They also learn about the hidden human and environmental costs of the chocolate industry. To make better and fairer chocolate, Bruno and his friends decide to start a chocolate company based on ethical principles.

Lesson Materials

WebQuest: Bruno’s Chocolate  

In this 3-day WebQuest, Bruno and his friends research the problems facing the chocolate industry today and their solutions. Students join the characters in reading articles, watching videos and answering questions about different stakeholders in the chocolate supply chain. The final project is to help Bruno and his friends design an advertising campaign for a fair and sustainable chocolate product.

Lesson Materials

Chocolate’s Carbon Footprint

A carbon footprint is the amount of greenhouse gases released into the air when we use energy – to cook food, ride a bus or watch TV. Each person makes about 4 tons of carbon per year just going about their daily lives. Imagine how much more energy a farm or factory uses! 

Carbon Footprint 

A carbon footprint is the amount of greenhouse gases released into the air when we use energy – to cook food, ride a bus or watch TV. Each person makes about 4 tons of carbon per year just going about their daily lives. 

Imagine how much more energy a farm or factory uses! 

Chocolate’s Carbon Footprint 

Chocolate has one of the highest carbon footprints of plant-based foods in the world. 

Chocolate takes more energy to produce than coffee, pork, or chicken. The cocoa industry makes over 2 million tons of greenhouse gases per year.  


To make room for more cacao farms, thousands of acres of rainforest have been cleared.  

Rainforests trap carbon. But when the trees are cut down, this carbon is released as carbon dioxide and adds to global warming. Animals also lose their habitats. 


Up to 40% of a cacao crop is lost every year to disease. Farmers often overuse pesticides or fertilizer. This pollutes the water and soil, and creates an unhealthy environment for the locals and wildlife.  

One healthy cacao tree produces enough beans to make only 10 regular size (1.5 ounces) chocolate bars per year! 


Cacao trees require lots of water. It takes almost 30,000 quarts to make two pounds of cocoa beans. About 10,000 quarts are used just to transport and store these two pounds of beans on their long overseas journey to a factory. That’s a huge water footprint! 


Cacao beans travel thousands of miles before chocolate-making can begin. Bags of beans get to port by truck. There they are loaded onto ships and sail from the Cocoa Belt to factories mainly in Europe and the US


Cacao then goes through a long process of roasting, grinding, and blending before it’s poured into blocks and sent to chocolate companies and bakeries.  

Other ingredients in chocolate production increase the carbon footprint such as milk powder, sugar, and palm oil to make milk chocolate. Rain forests are cut down to make palm oil farms, and dairy cows make methane gas. Dark chocolate uses more cocoa and cocoa butter, which means it needs more beans. 


Chocolate uses more plastic in its packaging than other foods. Christmas, Easter, Valentine’s Day, and Halloween all have their own wrappings.  

People give boxes of chocolates as gifts. Bite-sized chocolates are often wrapped in foil or placed inside a plastic tray in a fancy box tied with a bow. This wrapping is not recyclable and ends up in the landfill. 

Two Ways of Looking at Fair Trade

Does fair trade work? How much of a difference does it make, if any? Please welcome Brian and Ellie who will share their thoughts on the value of fair trade. Let’s start with Ellie. Tell us about fair trade.

Two Ways of Looking at Fair Trade



Does fair trade work? How much of a difference does it make, if any? Please welcome Brian and Ellie who will share their thoughts on the value of fair trade. Let’s start with Ellie. Tell us about fair trade.


Thank you for having me.




Let’s start with Ellie. Tell us about fair trade.


Farmers and workers who join fair trade cooperatives agree to follow certain sustainable practices. This leads to certification and the right for their products to carry a fair trade label. Consumers are encouraged to purchase items with a fair trade label in order to help the industry.


But labels don’t tell the whole story. Fair trade certification is a long and hard process. It costs money and these expenses come out of a farmer’s earnings. The poorest farmers can’t afford to participate, which defeats the purpose of “fair trade”.


Hold on. There are many benefits to fair trade, and the fees are affordable. They cover the costs of people who make sure that cacao farmers get a minimum living wage when the markets fall. These fees are used to teach sustainable farming methods. Money also goes towards improving community services like education, job training, and healthcare. Everyone wins.


Well, it’s not easy to monitor if the funds are truly being used for these purposes. 


Let’s talk about working conditions. 


Fair trade makes sure every job is open to both men and women. But child labor is not allowed. It works with local authorities to keep children off the farms and out of the factories.  


That’s all very well to say, but there is evidence that child labor is still happening, even on fair trade cacao farms in West Africa. Labor shortages, poverty, and school closings give children no choice but to work.


Now, let’s talk about prices. There is no doubt that the benefits for the growers and workers will raise prices along the supply chain. What about the costs passed to consumers? 


We all like fairness. We also like to see the “little guy” succeed. Fair trade focuses on the small producer. Many customers are willing to pay more for products made ethically––with people and the environment in mind.


I disagree. It’s all about the bottom line. If you can buy a “regular” chocolate bar for half the price of a “fair trade” bar, which do you think people will choose? The market for fair trade products is people with higher incomes. 


And just what do you think is in that cheap chocolate bar? Lots of sugar, vegetable oil, and little to no cocoa! Dealing directly with farmers and cutting out “middlemen” keeps prices down and allows us to keep its quality in check. This is how we make a difference in the lives of producers. 


And that’s all we have time for today. Thank you both for a lively discussion!

An Interview with a Cacao Farmer

Hello and welcome to The Poppy Podcast. I’m your host, Poppy. In my new series, “On the Ground,” we speak to people all over the world who do important work. Today we’re calling a cacao farmer from Ghana in West Africa where most of the world’s chocolate comes from. Let’s find out what happens on the ground…

An Interview with a Cacao Farmer



Hello and welcome to The Poppy Podcast. I’m your host, Poppy. In my new series, “On the Ground,” we speak to people all over the world who do important work. Today we’re calling a cacao farmer from Ghana in West Africa where most of the world’s chocolate comes from. Let’s find out what happens on the ground…

 (dial tone)  


Hi, Kofi! Thank you for agreeing to speak with me. How are you today?


Not so good. Something happened at the cacao farm this morning. I am devastated. 


I’m so sorry to hear that. Would you like to share what happened?


We discovered that almost a third of our trees have developed a disease. Many of the cocoa pods are covered in small dark spots causing them to rot and shrivel. It’s a horrible disease called Black Pod. They must be treated; otherwise, we could lose the trees.  

That’s a third of my harvest gone! I’ll be able to sell only a fraction of what I usually do. I don’t know how we’re going to survive––we already have so little. I’m hoping that the disease doesn’t spread to the rest of farm, for then I’ll be left with nothing. It’s going to be a very tough year.  


That’s awful. How much cacao do you usually produce each year?


I used to produce about 32 sacks of beans, which is about two metric tons. In the past couple of years, I’ve been producing fewer sacks. I think the soil is no longer as fertile as it used to be. I cannot afford to spend money on fertilizer, so there’s nothing much I can do.  

In a year, my farm makes at most 30 Cedis (about USD$5) a day. I have to pay the farmers that work for me. I have to feed my family, too. That leaves us each with about 3 Cedis (USD$0.50) each person, a day. My twelve-year-old son helps on the farm. A few of his friends work for me too––they are not as expensive to hire. 


Do they work on the farm after school?


No. We cannot afford to put our children in school.


I see…


I have to go now. I must go back to work. 


Thank you so much for sharing your struggles with us, Kofi. I want to help. We’ll keep in touch. 


Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you. Goodbye!

Bananas About Chocolate WebQuest

At the Chocolate Festival, Bruno and his friends learned about chocolate production. Now they want to start a chocolate company that is fair to everyone in the supply chain.  


At the Chocolate Festival, Bruno and his friends learned about chocolate production. Now they want to start a chocolate company that is fair to everyone in the supply chain.  

You will join Bruno and his friends on a WebQuest in starting a fair and sustainable chocolate company. What chocolate product will you make together? 


What practices will you adopt for a sustainable chocolate business and why? Consider: 

  • What effect has chocolate production had on people and the environment?  
  • What should we know about the impact of climate change on cacao farming? 


Your task is to do research, answer questions, and help Bruno create a chocolate product for his company.  

To understand the issues related to each part of the supply chain, you will take on a role and explain a problem from that person’s point of view in the chain. 

  • Cacao Farmer 
  • Fair Trader  
  • Environmentalist 
  • Manufacturer/ Retailer 

Then you will create an advertisement for Bruno’s Chocolate in which text, pictures, and/or videos will show what the company stands for and why people should buy this product.  


Work in small groups (2-4 students) to research your role in the chocolate supply chain. Use the resources listed under your role. Write out answers to all your research questions and agree on them.  

Our relationship with chocolate began thousands of years ago. Over time, chocolate spread from the Americas to Africa to Asia. Today, the supply chain can barely keep up with demand. Many problems have grown up around chocolate production. Choose a role and start your research.  

Cacao Farmer 

A cacao farmer grows trees whose fruit is used to make chocolate. It is important to know the cost of cacao farming so we can understand how it affects the farmers’ health, income, and environment.

Use the links below to learn some key facts about the life of a cacao farmer. Answer the following questions: 

  1. What is the daily life of cacao farmers?
  2. What is the standard of living of cacao farmers?
  3. How does the cacao farmers’ work affect their environment and vice versa?


Cacao Farmers Struggle to Meet Demands of the Chocolate Industry

Is Child Labor in Your Chocolate?

The Poppy Podcast – An Interview with a Cacao Farmer

Fair Trader  

A fair trader works with farmers and workers in the developing world to ensure they have good working conditions and get paid a fair price for what they produce, in this case cacao. It is important to know about fair trade partnerships so we can meet the full cost of producing products like chocolate.

Use the links below to learn some key facts about the work of a fair trade advocate. Answer the following questions:

  1. What is fair trade?
  2. What are some fair trade rules?
  3. How does fair trade benefit workers, their families, their community, and the environment?


Video – What is Fair Trade?

What’s Fair About Fair Trade on Cacao Farms?

Podcast – Two Ways of Looking at Fair Trade


An environmentalist is someone who works to protect the environment. It is important to know about the work of environmentalists so we can understand how to sustain Earth’s resources and cut pollution.

Use the links below to learn some key facts about the work of an environmentalist in the cacao industry. Answer the following questions:

  1. What is chocolate’s carbon footprint?
  2. How does climate change affect chocolate production?
  3. How do we create a sustainable future for chocolate?


Chocolate’s Carbon Footprint

Video – A World Without Chocolate

The Poppy Podcast – A Sustainable Future for Chocolate

Manufacturer/ Retailer

A manufacturer processes the cacao beans and turns them into big blocks of chocolate that are bought by chocolate companies. These companies or retailers then turn the chocolate into products like candy and sell them to customers in a shop. It is important to know the role of manufacturers and retailers so we can understand the complexity of the chocolate supply chain.

Use the links below to learn some key facts about chocolate manufacturing and retailing. Answer the following questions:

  1. What are the roles of traders, manufacturers, and retailers in the chocolate supply chain?
  2. What should be done to the chocolate supply chain to make the chocolate industry more sustainable?
  3. What sustainable practices should chocolate retailers adopt?


The Chocolate Supply Chain

Video – Who Gets the Biggest Piece of Chocolate?

The Poppy Podcast – An Interview with a Chocolate Retailer

Play a Crossword Puzzle to see how you have learned about chocolate production through your research.

Form groups of 4 with representatives from each role and share information.

Play the Jungle Gym game to assess your understanding of practices in the chocolate industry.

Brainstorm ideas for an advertising campaign for Bruno’s Chocolate.

Discuss the Big Questions.

  • How can Bruno make a better supply chain for his chocolate business? (Which links in the supply chain can be eliminated? Who would benefit from your supply chain?)
  • What makes Bruno’s chocolate fair and sustainable?

Other discussion questions for the advertising campaign:

  • What chocolate product do you choose? What’s its name? What flavors does it have? What does it look like? How is it packaged?
  • Who buys your chocolate?
  • Where do you get primary ingredients?
  • What price are you charging for the chocolate?

Design an advertisement campaign for Bruno’s Chocolate explaining what makes it sustainable and why people should buy it. The final product can be a short video, a presentation, a skit, etc. Each group will have 5-8 minutes to present.

Give a 5-8 minute group presentation on Bruno’s Chocolate. Use the rubrics below to rate your own performance.

An Interview with a Chocolate Retailer

Hello and welcome to The Poppy Podcast. I’m your host, Poppy. Today, I’m speaking to Veronica Hui, who runs Bittersweet, an ethical chocolate company that goes the extra mile to guarantee the quality and fairness of its chocolate bars. 

An Interview with a Chocolate Retailer 



Hello and welcome to The Poppy Podcast. I’m your host, Poppy. Today, I’m speaking to Veronica Hui, who runs Bittersweet, an ethical chocolate company that goes the extra mile to guarantee the quality and fairness of its chocolate bars. 

(dial tone)


Hi, Veronica. How are you? Thank you for speaking with me about chocolate!


My pleasure. I can talk about it all day. Chocolate is my favorite thing in the world.  


Can you tell us about Bittersweet, and how it came about?  


Sure. Back in 2010, I decided to make chocolate that’s true to its taste, no additives or flavoring, no milk, and very little sugar. But I realized that the quality and variety of cocoa I could get in the U.S. was limited. There were only a handful of chocolate manufacturers that I could purchase from, and I was not impressed by any of them. 


What did you do then?


I did some research and found that I could buy cacao directly from farms in Ghana. So, I started making trips to Ghana, searching above and beyond for farmers who were interested in producing high-quality cacao beans. The farms I partner with now are great at organic farming. That is, farming without using pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Their careful fermentation process brings out the natural flavors of cacao beans! 


Does this mean that you don’t have to deal with any middlemen?


Oh yes! We have a very short supply chain. We pay the farmers twice as much as the market price, and the beans are processed locally before being shipped to us. We have pretty much eliminated the extra costs when cacao traders and big manufacturers are involved.  .  


Is that why your chocolate is still reasonably priced?


That’s right. There are no other ingredients but sugar and cocoa butter. Hence the name, Bittersweet. When you eat our chocolate, you can actually taste the fruitiness of our cacao beans. Another thing that keeps the cost down is packaging. I went for the simplest and greenest packaging available. No fancy tin cans or silk ribbons for that matter.  


Well, Veronica. Thank you so much for telling us about Bittersweet. I hope more chocolate companies do what you do. Keep up the good work! 


You’re welcome.